Photopolymer gravure as part of Thus Tess Walks on, created in 2024

Using diverse media and through research, acts of appropriation and by the elaborate remaking of recognisable cultural forms, I’m attempting to uncover layers of meaning, and convey shared stories, both real and fictional. Ultimately creating works that are familiar and accessible yet off kilter somehow.
My ongoing project Thus Tess Walks On, creates the terrain for the protagonist to wander through in Thomas Hardy's nineteenth century novel Tess of the D’Urbervilles—with my 5x4 camera I explore landscapes where I live in search of this terrain, as well as revisiting landscapes from my past (I’ve moved a lot). I also worked on a writing project more recently with artist Chloe Cooper, where we supported each other to write throughout the pandemic, we have designed and published an illustrated book of our collected writings.